Rocky Shore: Ray

Many fishes live among rocky shores areas due to its habitats variety, that assures them food and ideal spots for shelter and reproduction. Generally, these fishes have distinct colors, body shapes and habits to adapt to the environment.


Rocky shore is a coastal ecosystem formed by rocks of different sizes. Such rocks provide a variety of habitats, and so several species find a suitable location for their survival. Physical factors such as luminosity, temperature, tidal oscillation, wave action and salinity directly influence the vertical distribution of the species along this rocky wall. Thus, the environmental conditions that act on the rocky shore differentiate according to depth levels and, therefore, the animals differ at each depth. In Brazil they are found mainly in the Southeast and South regions and the main threats they suffer are: pollution, trampling, selective removal of organisms and collection of ornamental fishes.


Sting ray - Dasyatis hipostigma

It can be found in the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean, in shallow coastal waters of Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina, living along the sandy bottom feeding on small molluscs and crustaceans. They can reach a maximum size of 65 centimeters, their longevity is unknown. They are viviparous animals, that is, the embryo develops inside the uterus, with females giving birth to up to two offspring per pregnancy. They are some of the most unintentionally captured rays by artisanal fishermen and commercial fishing with fishing nets. This species is extremely subject to dangers caused by habitat degradation, as well as the excessive development of human infrastructure in coastal regions, which end up culminating in the destruction of most mangroves. The present and growing pollution in the water also represents a serious danger to species.


Longnose stingray - Hypanus guttatus

It has its distribution throughout the Western Atlantic, comprising the region from the south of the Gulf of Mexico to the city of Santos, São Paulo in Brazil. This species has a behavioral habit of living close to the bottom of the sea. Its diet consists of invertebrates such as small molluscs, crustaceans and worms associated with substrates. These animals can reach from 125 cm to 200 cm.


Chola guittarfish - Pseudobatos percellens

Found in the Western and Eastern Atlantic, at a depth of 110 meters. They live in sandy bottoms and can reach 1 meter in length. It is estimated that the population of this species has reduced by 50%-79% in the last 30 years, due to the degradation of its habitat and by-catch fishing (they are not targets of fishing but end up in the net). They are sold as "cação" or viola fillet.