Rocky Shore: Fishes

Due to its diversity of habitats, the rocky shore is also home to several species of fish. They use the proximities of the coast for their activities, including refuge, feeding, reproduction or just passing through. Many species are of great economic importance, especially for artisanal fishing.


Rocky shores are coastal ecosystems formed by rocks of different sizes. Such rocks provide a variety of habitats and thus, several species find in them a suitable place for their survival. Physical factors such as luminosity, temperature, tidal oscillation, wave action and salinity directly influence the vertical distribution of species along this rock face. Thus, the environmental conditions that act on the rocky shore are different according to their depths and, therefore, the animals differ at each depth. In Brazil, they are found mainly in the Southeast and South regions and the main threats they suffer are: pollution, trampling, the selective removal of organisms and the collection of ornamental fish.


Lebranche mullet - Mugil liza

This species is found in the Atlantic Ocean from the Florida Sea to Argentina, living in coastal and estuarine environments. In the reproductive season they usually migrate in large schools, this migration is influenced by climatic and oceanographic factors. It is an oviparous fish and its eggs are laid in the open sea, remaining in the water column. This species feeds on organic matter and algae, and can reach 50 cm in length as an adult. It is a traditional and commercial fishing resource in the south and southeast of Brazil. Considered overexploited, in 2015 several measures were taken to organize mullet fishing by ICMBIO.


Squirrelfish - Holocentrus adscensionis

A species of fish found in the tropical and subtropical seas of the Atlantic Ocean. In Brazil, it occurs mainly in the Northeast and Southeast. It lives from environments of rocky shores and coastal reefs, in shallow waters, to the open sea with depths of up to 180 m. It feeds mainly on small crustaceans and algae. It has large reddish eyes, a dark red back with golden highlights, and can reach up to 61 cm in length. It is a commercial fish and capable of producing sounds.


South american silver porgy - Diplodus argenteus

A species that occurs along the entire coast of the American Atlantic Ocean and in the Mediterranean Sea. It is found in turbulent coastal environments with shallow water, close to coral, rocky and/or sandy bottoms. It feeds on algae, mollusks, crustaceans and other invertebrates. Its body is oval and compressed, silver in color and has a dark rounded spot called ocellus, next to the tail, used to confuse predators. It can measure up to 37.8 cm in length. It is a little commercial fish.


Gaff-topsail pompano - Stegastes fuscus

An endemic species of Brazil, that is, it is found only on our coast, occurring from the state of Rio Grande do Norte to the southern limit of the state of Santa Catarina. It belongs to the family Pomacentridae, whose species are popularly known as "damsels". They inhabit shallow waters and are highly territorial. It is a diurnal species, which feeds on algae, polychaetes, copepods and sponges. It can reach up to 12 cm in length. It is an oviparous fish that lays eggs on the substrate; the male protects and aerate the eggs.


Yellowtip damselfish - Stegastes pictus

Found only in Brazilian marine waters, this species lives close to fire coral (Millepora alcicornis) in reefs and rocky bottom environments, at a depth of up to 70 meters. Their diet is based on algae that are associated with the bottom. Its maximum size is 7 cm and it is a territorial fish. An interesting feature is that the male takes care of the eggs and airs them until the chicks are born.


French angelfish - Pomacanthus paru

Species that lives in the Atlantic Ocean and can be observed along the entire Brazilian coast, close to reefs and rocky shores. Adults can swim up to about 30 m deep. They can be territorial when they establish a cleaning station where they eat parasites from other fish. In addition to these parasites, they also feed on sponges, worms, algae and small crustaceans. When juvenile, it has yellow vertical stripes and a blue pelvic fin. When adults lose their stripes, and their predominant color is navy blue and black, with yellow lateral scales. They can reach a maximum size of 40 cm, and they are very curious animals and usually allow divers to approach them.


Spotfin hogfish - Bodianus pulchellus

It is a species found in the Atlantic Ocean, from South Carolina (USA) to Santa Catarina (Brazil). It lives in a marine environment associated with reefs, at depths between 15 and 120 meters. It feeds on invertebrates, crustaceans and bivalves and can act as a parasite cleaner on the body of larger fish. Individuals are almost always lonely, but sometimes they can form small shoals, and can measure up to 28 cm in length. The juvenile has a predominantly yellow body, and as an adult it has a red body with a yellowish caudal fin. It is a commercial species in the aquarium market, being little commercial in other types of fisheries.


Porkfish - Anisotremus virginicus

A species of fish that can be found in tropical waters across the western Atlantic Ocean. It lives on coral and/or rocky bottoms, usually solitary. Despite being an omnivorous fish, juveniles usually feed on small parasites found in larger fish, and adults on small crustaceans, mollusks and annelids. This species can reach 40 cm in length. In the mating period, large aggregations can be formed. It has yellowish color with white bands along the body.


Black margate - Anisotremus surinamensis

Species found in the Atlantic Ocean from Florida, in the United States, to the northeast region of Brazil. It is a marine species that lives associated with coral reefs, at depths of up to 20 m. It feeds on crustaceans, molluscs, small fish and sea urchin (Diadema). It reaches up to 76 cm in length and can weigh up to 5.8 kg (largest recorded). It is a commercial species, for human consumption and for aquariums.


Roughneck grunt - Haemulopsis corvinaeformis

Species that is found in the Atlantic Ocean, from the Caribbean to Brazil. In marine, freshwater and estuary environments, living on different types of bottoms, such as sandy, coralline and rocky. At depths ranging from 26 to 50 m. It is also widely found in mangroves, channels, rocky shores and parcels, which are known as shallow sea areas. It feeds on crustaceans, molluscs, polychaetes and small fish. Individuals can reach a maximum size of 25 cm and weigh up to 21 kg. It is a species of commercial interest in the aquarium market, being of little interest to other types of fisheries.


Sand goggle - Haemulon aurolineatum

It is a species found in the western Atlantic Ocean, from Massachusetts, in the United States, to the northeast of Brazil. It lives in the marine environment associated with coral reefs, at depths of up to 30 m. It feeds on small crustaceans, mollusks, other benthic invertebrates, plankton and algae. The individuals form shoals, can reach up to 25 cm in length and weigh up to 85.6 g. There are reports of poisoning by ciguatera while eating this animal, which can bioaccumulate toxic substances to humans. It is a commercial species in the aquarium and bait market, with little commercialization in other types of fishing.


Sargeant Major - Abudefduf saxatilis

Species of fish characteristic of tropical and subtropical waters throughout the Atlantic, occurring throughout the Brazilian coast. It lives in coastal regions with shallow waters, mainly on coral reefs and rocky shores and feeds on crustaceans, small fish, invertebrates and algae. Their body has vertical white or yellowish and black stripes, and they can reach up to 20 cm in length. It is a commercial species in the aquarium market, being little commercial for other types of fishing


Bandtail puffer - Sphoeroides spengleri

Species found in the Atlantic Ocean, from the United States to Brazil. It is a marine fish that can also live in brackish waters and generally lives associated with reefs. It feeds on mollusks, crustaceans and echinoderms, and can reach 30 cm in length. Several puffer fish have toxins, it is believed that this species is one of the most toxic found in the Atlantic Ocean, therefore it is not commercialized for human consumption.


Chere-chere grunt - Haemulon steindachneri

A species found in the Atlantic Ocean, from Panama to Santa Catarina (Brazil), and in the Pacific Ocean, from Mexico to Peru. It lives in a marine environment associated with reefs, at depths between 0 and 50 m. It can be found in various types of bottom, such as sandy, coral and rocky. It is also widely found in mangroves, water canals and rocky shores, which are known as shallow sea areas. It feeds on benthic invertebrates (which live by marine sediment). Individuals can reach a maximum size of 30 cm and weigh up to 30 kg. It is a commercial species in the aquarium market and can also be used for bait, being not much interesting for other purposes.


White grunt - Haemulon plumierii

It lives in the Western Atlantic, on coral reefs, at depths of up to 40 meters. They can reach 53 cm in length. They feed on molluscs, crustaceans and fish. When juveniles go out at night looking for food on the sandy bottom of regions with sea grass and return to the reefs during the day to protect themselves. When adult individuals are in schools, they rest more and eat less. To find their food, adults bury their mouths in the substrate (sand) in search of their food and gradually release the substrate through the operculum (structure on the side of the head that protects the gills). Because they are territorial, we can observe, at times, one facing the other opening their mouths, challenging each other (it may look like a kiss but it's not).