
Senses: They can see something 15 meters away. The heightened sense of smell allows them to feel one blood drop 300 meters away. Skin: Shark skins are made up of placoid scales, which gives them a very rough surface. If the shark skin was completely smooth, it could cause turbulence and slow their speed. Eating: They will never be “toothless”! Your mouth has several rows of teeth, and they are constantly replaced. They eat fishes, crustaceans, octopus, turtles and sea lions. Human flesh isn’t in their diet! - If sharks liked human flesh, there wouldn't be any safe beach in the world. Reproduction: The fertilization is internal, but the development can be inside or out the mother’s body. Livebearers - Baby sharks are born without the egg; Ovoviviparous - The egg develops inside the mother’s body; Oviparous - Put eggs. The late sexual maturation, the production of few babies and the slow growth made them extremely vulnerable to extinction. ECOLOGICAL IMPORTANCE - Sharks are at the top of the food chain, and are extremely important for the marine environment balance. Today - with sharks - lots of biodiversity. Soon - without sharks - little biodiversity. In a long time - without sharks - no biodiversity. FISHING - In portuguese, “cação” is used commercially to hide the sale of sharks and rays, avoiding the idea of consuming an animal supposedly devourer of human beings. 100 millions of sharks die per year! 1. They are cruelly captured to get their fins. 2. In thousands, these fins are placed to dry in the sun. 3. After they are dry, fins are sold as ingredients to soup. 4. Served as status demonstration in Asian countries. 5. Their fins are more valued than their flesh. So sharks come back to the ocean without them, dying slowly. Shark Finning - It’s fishing sharks with the goal of taking away their fins.