
Coral Bleaching: Corals are animals extremely sensitive to variations in water temperature, many of them live in symbiosis with microalgae called zooxanthellae, an exchange that increases the growth rate of corals, and gives them color. Environmental disturbances such as global warming and pollution, for example, have been intensified by human actions. These actions generate a series of consequences, among them the breakdown of this sensitive relationship between corals and microalgae, leading them to bleaching. Keeping corals healthy means conserving ¼ of all life in the ocean, many species of fish and invertebrates depend on them for survival. Corals create an exchange relationship with a type of microalgae that lives in their tissues and gives their color, the zooxanthellae. They usually live in shallow waters, where sunlight can penetrate, so the zooxanthellae carry out photosynthesis, releasing substances that nourish the corals, making them grow. Temperature changes can cause corals to expel algae due to stress. The loss of algae causes the coral to bleach, leaving it weak and exposed to disease, which can cause its death.


Education, research, conservation and recognition: In 2016 AquaRio and UFRJ entered into a research partnership with the objective of seeking solutions for coral bleaching. Two types of probiotics were developed and tested in species kept in the aquarium, one works like a vitamin, which diluted in the water is absorbed by the corals. Nourished, the animals remain alive longer than they would in nature, without the zooxanthellae, and have a chance to recover them. The second probiotic acts as a sunscreen for corals, making them resistant to variations in water temperature, making them pass unscathed by stress. World-renowned research: We won the Australian Out Of The Blue Box Program's Most Environmental Impact Project award. Research considered the best publication of the journal Nature, in 2018. The mission is not over, we continue to take the next steps for the conservation of marine life and society as a whole.