
They form the oldest coral reefs on the planet, which are home to the greatest diversity of coral species. They originated the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, which can be seen from space!


Coral reefs are the richest and most complex marine ecosystems of all. In addition, they form the largest geological structure composed of living organisms. Coral reefs are built primarily by superimposing stony coral skeletons. In addition to corals, there are also fauna associated with reefs, such as sea cucumbers, starfish, sea urchins, fish and molluscs.


Goby firefish - Nemateleotris magnifica

Common in Indo-Pacific coral reefs, as it is an environment with burrows for shelter, and can be seen at a depth of 6 to 70 meters. It can live in groups, its maximum size is 9 cm. Males take care of the eggs and young (fry), this care time can take 1 month. Their food is based on zooplankton, in aquariums they can feed on artemia, small shrimp and feed.


Jewelled blenny - Salarias fasciatus

This species is found in the Indo-Pacific: in the Red Sea and East Africa to Samoa, north to the Ryukyu Islands, south to the Great Barrier Reef and New Caledonia. They inhabit coral reefs, shallow lagoons and estuaries rich in algae, as this is their diet. They can be found solitary in up to 8 meters of depth, after much observation because they camouflage themselves very well. Its maximum size is 14 cm.


Yellow tang - Zebrasoma flavescens

The yellow tang is a small fish that lives in some locations in the Pacific Ocean and has already been reported off the coast of Florida. It always lives close to coral reefs, at a depth of up to 46 m. It can measure up to 20 cm in length. It is mainly herbivorous, feeding on algae, but it can also feed on small invertebrates. The reproductive activity of this species always occurs during periods of full moon. Like other surgeonfish, animals of this species have a small thorn at the base of the tail, used for defense. These spines are usually extremely sharp, resembling scalpel blades used in surgery. That's why the name of this group.


Rabbitfish foxface - Siganus vulpinus

They are common Pacific fish, which can be found in coral reefs up to 30 meters deep. They are found singly or in pairs, their maximum recorded size was 25 cm. Its diet is based on algae.


Comet - Calloplesiops altivelis

They live in the Indo-Pacific, in coral reefs and in caves at intervals of 3 to 45 meters deep. It reaches 20 cm in length and the maximum age ever recorded was 9 years. On its tail there is an ocellus (round spot) that resembles an eye, helping it to protect itself from predators, because when it feels threatened, it hides its head, leaving only its tail out, making it look like a moray eel. In reproduction there is a difference, as the males take care of the eggs for a period of time.


Mandarinfish - Synchiropus splendidus

They are fish found in the Pacific Ocean, from the Ryukyu Islands to Australia, inhabiting lagoons and coastal coral reefs. Individuals live in small groups, at a depth of up to 18 meters. They always swim close to the bottom looking for microcrustaceans and other small invertebrates to feed on. Its maximum size is 7 cm. It is a commercial species in the aquarium market due to its striking colors.


Green chromis - Chromis viridis

They are distributed throughout the Indo-Pacific, living in groups above Acropora corals. The maximum size of this species is 8 cm and they feed on phytoplankton (very small algae) and zooplankton (very small animals). In the breeding season, males prepare the nests and protect and ventilate the eggs after the females lay them.