Coral bleaching

Corals live in symbiosis with microalgae. Coral bleaching occurs when microalgae stop photosynthesizing and no longer provide energy for these animals. Upon realizing this, the corals expel them from their bodies, thus losing their color in their tissues, leaving the white calcareous skeleton on display.


The phenomenon occurs due to the unfavorable environment for the survival of these animals, the change in the temperature of the oceans is the main cause of death, since the phenomenon coincides with the warming of the oceans, the change of 1°C in the temperature of the water is enough for that to happen. Reefs are very sensitive environments, so changes are affecting their well-being. AquaRio participated in a research study of a specific dose of probiotics that help protect these animals during heat waves. “We use microorganisms that can mitigate these effects caused by excess ROS, reducing their concentration and delaying the process of dysbiosis [breakage of the relationship between coral and algae]. In addition, we offer the coral bacteria that are involved in the cycling of nutrients and that will provide energy during this period of stress, helping it to sub-exist while the alga does not return. Finally, we include pathogen antagonist bacteria in this cocktail, which can help it survive even in this adverse condition, because when the coral starts to become dysbiotic, the pathogens tend to grow and sometimes many opportunists start to take care of it” , explains researcher Raquel Peixoto for the Conecta UFRJ portal.