
Pelagic fishes swim continuously on the water surface (or a little below it) in wide areas, such as open seas, and have no specific place to inhabit. They swim even while “asleep”.


The Oceanic tank represents the most remote environment of the coast, the open sea. Not having much places to hide, the animals that live in this environment have a dark back to blend into the darkness of the bottom, and a lighter belly to blend into the brightness of the surface. Most of the species of this tank occur in our coast, and thousands of them are captured every day to serve as food for the population. This tank has 7 m depth, 3.5 million liters of water and 25 m in diameter, and houses the largest specimens of AquaRio, such as our great sharks and rays.


South american silver porgy - Diplodus argenteus

A species that occurs along the entire coast of the American Atlantic Ocean and in the Mediterranean Sea. It is found in turbulent coastal environments with shallow water, close to coral, rocky and/or sandy bottoms. It feeds on algae, mollusks, crustaceans and other invertebrates. Its body is oval and compressed, silver in color and has a dark rounded spot called ocellus, next to the tail, used to confuse predators. It can measure up to 37.8 cm in length. It is a little commercial fish.


Squirrelfish - Holocentrus adscensionis

A species of fish found in the tropical and subtropical seas of the Atlantic Ocean. In Brazil, it occurs mainly in the Northeast and Southeast. It lives from environments of rocky shores and coastal reefs, in shallow waters, to the open sea with depths of up to 180 m. It feeds mainly on small crustaceans and algae. It has large reddish eyes, a dark red back with golden highlights, and can reach up to 61 cm in length. It is a commercial fish and capable of producing sounds.


Porkfish - Anisotremus virginicus

A species of fish that can be found in tropical waters across the western Atlantic Ocean. It lives on coral and/or rocky bottoms, usually solitary. Despite being an omnivorous fish, juveniles usually feed on small parasites found in larger fish, and adults on small crustaceans, mollusks and annelids. This species can reach 40 cm in length. In the mating period, large aggregations can be formed. It has yellowish color with white bands along the body.


Spanish hogfish - Bodianus rufus

Species found in the Atlantic Ocean, occurring along the entire brazilian coast. Usually lives near rocky shores up to 70 m deep. It feeds basically on invertebrates, such as small crustaceans, molluscs, sea urchins and brittle star. As a juvenile it acts as a cleaner by removing dead tissues and external parasites from other fishes. It can reach up to 40 cm in length. There are reports of ciguatera poisoning when consuming this species. It is a commercial species in the aquarium market, being not so much commercial for other types of fisheries.


Black margate - Anisotremus surinamensis

Species found in the Atlantic Ocean from Florida, in the United States, to the northeast region of Brazil. It is a marine species that lives associated with coral reefs, at depths of up to 20 m. It feeds on crustaceans, molluscs, small fish and sea urchin (Diadema). It reaches up to 76 cm in length and can weigh up to 5.8 kg (largest recorded). It is a commercial species, for human consumption and for aquariums.


Zebra shark - Stegostoma tigrinum

It lives in tropical regions of the Indo-Pacific Ocean, being found near coral reefs and on sandy soil substrates. Most of the day it is at rest, becomes more active at dusk and feeds on mollusks, crustaceans, small bony fish and even sea snakes. It is usually seen alone, but during the Australian summer groups of 20 to 50 individuals can be seen in shallow water. It is an oviparous shark that can lay about 46 eggs in a period of up to 112 days. It has an estimated lifespan of between 25 and 30 years, reaching sexual maturity at around 7 years. It is a species that presents no danger to human beings, and for this reason, they are highly sought after by the ecotourism market, in several countries, it is also one of the shark species most present in aquariums around the world. Although docile, it can cause accidents when provoked.


Spotfin hogfish - Bodianus pulchellus

It is a species found in the Atlantic Ocean, from South Carolina (USA) to Santa Catarina (Brazil). It lives in a marine environment associated with reefs, at depths between 15 and 120 meters. It feeds on invertebrates, crustaceans and bivalves and can act as a parasite cleaner on the body of larger fish. Individuals are almost always lonely, but sometimes they can form small shoals, and can measure up to 28 cm in length. The juvenile has a predominantly yellow body, and as an adult it has a red body with a yellowish caudal fin. It is a commercial species in the aquarium market, being little commercial in other types of fisheries.


Common jack - Caranx hippos

It is a species found in the Atlantic Ocean, with distribution in countries from Portugal to Angola and from Canada to Uruguay. It can live from estuarine environments, to the high seas, at depths up to 350 m. Adults are able to ascend rivers, while juveniles are more commonly found in sandy or muddy bottom estuaries. It feeds on small fish, shrimp and other invertebrates. Individuals of this species can reach up to 124 cm in length and weigh up to 32 kg. It is a commercial species, caught in sport fishing as well.


Horse-eye jack - Caranx latus

This fish has a wide distribution of populations across the Atlantic Ocean, being found close to coral reefs and oil platforms, at depths between 0 and 140 m. It feeds on smaller fish and some crustaceans such as shrimp and crabs. Individuals can measure up to 1 meter in length and weigh up to 14 kg. There have been reports of cases of ciguatera poisoning when consuming this animal. It is a commercial species in the aquarium market and in sport fishing, being not much commercial for other purposes.


Permit - Trachinotus falcatus

This species occurs commonly in the western Atlantic Ocean, being found from the United States to southeastern Brazil, including the Bahamas. It can reach up to 122 cm in length, which is the size of the largest specimen ever found, weighing up to 36 kg. It is usually a solitary fish, it lives around coral reefs and on sandy bottoms. Adults feed mainly on mollusks, crabs and small fishes, while juveniles feed on benthic invertebrates. During the summer, they are found in large schools, especially in surfing zones along sandy beaches. It is a species used for human consumption.


Whitetip reef shark - Triaenodon obesus

Considered a small shark, the white tip reef, can reach 200 cm in length, are very common sharks in the Indo-Pacific Ocean, but have also been found in South Africa and Central America living near coral reefs . They spend most of the day resting inside caves and at night they go out to hunt bony fish, crustaceans and some molluscs. They are viviparous sharks with the total gestation period lasting between 10 and 14 months, ending with the birth of up to 6 young. Although they can approach curious divers, they rarely present any kind of risk to humans. Because they have a relatively long gestation period, with few offspring, and eating habits restricted to a few habitats, these animals may be vulnerable to overfishing.


Black grouper - Mycteroperca bonaci

The square whiting is a large demersal fish (which despite being free swimming, spends most of its time associated with the bottom), which can reach up to 1 meter and 50 centimeters and weigh about 100 kg. It inhabits rocky bottoms and coral reefs, and is found in the Atlantic Ocean. It is a protandric hermaphrodite fish, that is, the individuals are born female and when they reach adulthood, the male organs develop. They are oviparous and can form small groups, and despite being common in some places, they are difficult to contact with humans. It has high commercial value, because its meat is considered of extreme quality, but according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, this species is close to being considered at risk of extinction.


Little Tunny - Euthynnus alletteratus

They are fish usually found on the surface of the water, largely on the continental shelves by the Atlantic Ocean, they are opportunistic predators that can eat everything in their reach, from crustaceans, squid and other smaller fish. They can reach a maximum size of 1 meter and 22 centimeters and weigh 16 kilograms and can live up to 10 years. It is a species that does not have high commercial value, but is routinely captured by industrial and artisanal fishing and sport fishing.


Barber surgeonfish - Acanthurus bahianus

It is one of the most characteristic surgeonfish of the Atlantic Ocean, living close to coral reefs in tropical regions at depths of up to 40 meters. It can reach a maximum size of 12 centimeters and its longest recorded lifespan is 31 years. It can be found in small groups of just over five individuals. It has diurnal habits and feeds almost exclusively on algae, sometimes eating small crustaceans. It has a pair of spines, located on the side of the tail, and used for defense. This characteristic is present in all species of the surgeon group.


Spiny butterfly ray - Gymnura altavela

It is a species of ray that inhabits tropical and subtropical regions of the Atlantic Ocean, living in sandy and muddy substrates. It can reach an average size of 2 meters in length, its diet includes small crustaceans, molluscs, fish and its main predators are medium and large sharks and marine mammals. They are ovoviviparous and have a single fertile period per year. Its gestation can last from 4 to 9 months, resulting in the birth of a few pups, or even just one offspring. Its population has decreased by 30% in recent decades, it is among one of the most endangered stingray species.


Queen Triggerfish - Balistes vetula

They are found in the Atlantic Ocean, from Canada to southeastern Brazil. Lives in a marine environment associated with reefs, at depths between 2 and 275 meters. It feeds on molluscs, crustaceans, sea urchins and other benthic invertebrates. Its small mouth has strong teeth to grind its fangs. It has a vivid and intense coloration, its body is grayish-yellowish and/or greenish-brown, has bluish lines radiating in the region of the eyes and around the mouth. Individuals can measure up to 60 cm and weigh up to 5.5 kg. It is a poisonous animal, and have a commercial interest in the aquarium market and sport fishing, having little interest in other types of fisheries.


Yellow sea chub - Kyphosus incisor

Common fish in the Western and Eastern Atlantic, they can live up to 15 meters deep. They live in rocky environments and coral reefs, reaching up to 90 cm in length. They feed on algae, also eating Sargassum algae, which is the same as the scorpionfish (Rhinopias frondosa) camouflages itself.