Red Piranha

The red piranha is a freshwater species, and can be found in lakes and ponds. It lives among small shoals and maintains a carnivorous diet. Despite its aggressive reputation, its attacks occur when it protects itself or when it is hungry.


To have a good diet, piranhas need to always have sharp teeth, so their teeth change. Your teeth form solid lateral blocks, and these blocks are replaced, one side at a time, throughout your life. There is no physical difference between the male and the female, for copulation to take place, the couple begins to swim in circles and the eggs are laid in the nest made by the male, in the surrounding vegetation.


Red piranha - Pygocentrus nattereri

It is a species found in South America, in the basin of the Amazon, Paraguay-Paraná and Essequibo rivers; and coastal rivers of northeastern Brazil. The smallest (8-11cm) are more active during the day. The medium and large ones (15-24 cm) look for food mainly at dawn, in the late afternoon and at night.